Combined detection of nitrite and bioelectrical activity using microelectrode arrays and a phosphate buffered saline solution
microelectrode array, on printed circuit boards (PCB) and on
silicon substrate, composed of 60 to 64 gold microelectrodes
(between 4 µm and 70 µm each in diameter). The sensor has a
measurement total area of 0.5 cm in radius, one reference
electrode (1 mm2 in area) and 28.4 mm wide and 28.4 mm long.
These microelectrodes were used for checking and logging of
extracelullar local field potential of cell culture and nitrite
measurement in a phosphate buffered saline solution
(electrolytical aqueous medium). In addition, an apparatus to
shield from electromagnetic interference for connecting the
arrays was designed to allow the capture of electrochemical
reactions or electronic signals by the microelectrodes, for
example: nitrite or cardiac potential measurement, respectively.
Finally, biocompatibility tests of the array structures were
performed. The preliminary electrical and biocompatibility
testing, along with the collected data, has shown promising
results pointing to the development of an accurate sensor after
the completion of this study. The sensor has potentially a
broader range of applications with only a few adaptations and
due its good accuracy it can be a very useful resource for many
chemical and biological applications.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Fernando Luis de Almeida, Wilmar Souza Junior, Yann Lima Moraes, Sebastião Gomes dos Santos Filho, Douglas Veronez, Idagene Cestari

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